Monday, December 29, 2008
Happy New Year!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
The Face of the Future Part 2
"The Ghost of Christmas Yet-To-Come" from "Scrooged"
(Click on images to see larger.)
Did you ever get the weird feeling that your TV is watching you?
Taking a stiff drink to get a grip, the bony hand of the future is about to get a grip on him.
When cornered in the elevator by the oversized Ghost, a peek inside it's robe reveals the trapped souls of previous victims, an idea borrowed from the Nightmare on Elm Street series. More the specter of Death here than any other version, it only needs a scythe to complete the image.
At one point the shifting images in the Ghost's face screen reflect the main character's own visage in a decayed and horrific state. All this convinces our man Frank Cross to change his ways, although one gets the idea that he repents only to save his life, instead of having a truly humbling and heart-changing experience. This movie is pretty low on my list of favorite versions of the story, but it's worth a watch for a holiday laugh, like "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation."
In any event, we can all learn from Scrooge's lessons, and hopefully "to open our shut-up hearts freely, and to think of people below us as if they really were fellow-passengers to the grave, and not another race of creatures bound on other journeys."
For a special treat, read the entire Marvel
comic adaptation of "A Christmas Carol" here!
Have a wonderful Christmas!
And, as Tiny Tim observed, "God Bless Us, Every one!"
Monday, December 22, 2008
The Face of the Future
"The Ghost of Christmas Yet-To-Come"
In the 1971 film "Scrooge," starring Albert Finney, we finally get to see what's hidden under the dusky shroud of the Ghost of Christmas Future. And as we suspected, it's not a pretty sight.
Scrooge did the smelly spook one better by actually soiling his shorts.
"Watch that first step, it's a killer!"
"And a partridge in a pear treeeee!"
"Is it getting hot in here, or is it just me?"
Next time, another sinner sees the Face of Death!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Terminator Salvation teaser poster
I have to admit this film is starting to look interesting. The trailer is intriguing, and I like the poster concept of the Terminator face formed out of the ruins of LA.
If you think this is cool, check out the animated Flash version!
I'm ready for a well-done story of the post-Judgement Day fight against the machines, leading up to the final battle when John Conner wins the war and sends his best friend (and father) back in time to stop the original cyborg, and die in the process.
I'm just hoping this film exceeds my expectations and meets my hopes, and spawns another film or two in order to bring it full circle and let us see the events at the other end of the first film.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Flesh Feast poster
The Skeletal Spotlight shines this time on:
The "Flesh Feast" poster art
Monday, December 1, 2008
The Graveyard Shift poster
The "Graveyard Shift" poster
"Yeah, black lung killed me, but I'm still working off my debt to the company store!"
Although the poster seemed to promise coal miner zombies rising from the depths of the unsafe shafts to wreak bloody pick-and-shovel vengence on the tight-fisted company owners who put them at risk, no such luck. Maybe someone will make that movie someday!
As it is, it's a cool poster for a so-so movie about giant monster rats living under an old textile mill. It seems more like an extended episode of Discovery Channel's "Dirty Jobs" than anything else, and I can see our man Mike Rowe digging in and cleaning out the gunk and mutated rats, which aren't as nasty as some things he's had to contend with.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Planes, Trains and Automobiles
Have a Happy Thanksgiving holiday weekend!
Monday, November 24, 2008
The House On Skull Mountain
Sure, it's a bad, bad (and not in a good way) movie. But I loves me that skullicious poster art! There's just so much going on there... wicked lightning, a bleeding skull, which happens to be on fire, a panties-revealing defenestration, and probably more up in the house we aren't even seeing.
This is one of those that caught my eye when the ad appeared in my local Macon, GA newspaper in 1974. Check it out at my other blog Held Over! if you want to see it in glorious black and white halftone.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
The Conqueror Worm poster
A great rotting-skull-centric poster with awesome artwork, for a movie that features the legendary Vincent Price. Initially released in 1968 under the title "Witchfinder General," it was released under this new title later to link it to the successful series of Corman/Price/Poe films that had come before.
Although I missed seeing nearly all of the Price films when they came out, I've been steadily collecting them on DVD as they are released. So far, I don't have this one, but am on the lookout for it. If the movie is as good as the poster I'll have a classic.
A printable page for the kiddies to color when they're getting in your hair.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Theatre of Blood poster
Thanks for sticking around! -Fred
The Skeletal Spotlight shines this time on:
The "Theatre Of Blood" Poster
The level of writing and the humor inherent in the magazine were somewhat above the level found in any other monster mag, and was a joy to read. I was 14 when I got this issue, and we were a perfect match.
Here for your ocular enjoyment is both the poster and the Monster Times cover which I scanned in. There are so many memories wrapped up in that issue that I could never blog about them all without boring you.
If you've never seen the movie, it's a must for any horror/Vincent Price fan. Living out an actor's dream, he takes bloody and ironic revenge on his theatrical critics. Making a living criticising others who do what they cannot, they have it coming and you cheer each time another one bites the dust.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Haunted Horror artwork
The back card artwork for the Halloween sound effects cassette "Haunted Horror."
(Click on image for a frighteningly large version!)
Here is the rather neat-o artwork for a horror sounds cassette tape I bought back in the early 80's and have kept ever since. And with all the many blog entries out there showcasing Halloween Sound Effects LP and CD covers, I've never seen this posted anywhere before. Not earth-shaking or soul-changing, but hey... it's a new post! Whoopee!
And more will follow with the pressure off to wax eloquent. Below is a Halloween party plate I saved from a few years ago. I suppose in 50 years it'll be worth something... but I like it.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Ray Bradbury's Skeleton
Published in 1994, special issue #1 0f Topps' adaptations of Ray Bradbury stories featured this version of his classic story "Skeleton," about a man who fears those bony horrors to such an extent that he wishes to rid himself of the one hiding inside his own body! Ordinarily this could only be solved by repeated and expensive visits to a psychoanalyst; but unfortunately (for him) he finds someone all too willing to help him achieve his goal...
The moral: Love your skeleton or you'll lose it's support!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
"Death Dives Deep" 3-D comic
So, dig out those red-and-blue 3-D retro glasses, and really "get into" this simple story of deep sea death. After I did the scans I enhanced the art by adding more contrast, and the 3-D effect in the enlarged image is startlingly deep! The effect of the fish swimming through the skull's eye sockets is particularly neat. Take a deep breath and dive in, cause it's comin' at ya!
Click on the images to view full size.
The image above I clipped from a local TV guide in the year that the first "Treehouse of Terror" episode ran. The annual shows have been traditional viewing for me all through the month of October ever since. At this point I'm up to episode #4. Which one did you last watch? And which is your favorite?