Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Disembodied poster art

The Skeletal Spotlight shines this time on:
"The Disembodied" poster art


  1. Va! Va! Voom...I'd like to see the 50 foot model, please.

  2. Never heard of this movie Fred, but the poster art is cool!!

  3. What's up Fred? Did you give up on Sweet Skulls?

  4. Hubba hubba. Oh, by the way, I'm getting a block on your email.

  5. Hey man, I haven't been able to reach you via your email address, which doesn't seem to be working, but I'd like to solicit your participation in a major experiment I'm doing at The Vault of Horror. I'm polling a ton of horror bloggers to get their top 10 favorite horror movies, and then tallying up all the votes to make one master Top 50 list. Check out my page to see more about it. I just need you to send me your list no later than Sunday. Thanks!
