Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Bones of Bryan Baugh

The Skeletal Spotlight shines this time on:
Bryan Baugh's skele-terrific artwork

"Hi, folks! I'm Robert the Eco-Zombie. I encourage you to use Eco-friendly burial methods, such as skipping embalming and using bio-degradeable cardboard caskets. They preserve the Earth for future generations, and make it so much easier for us zombies to come back and EAT THEM!!"

Bryan Baugh loves zombies and skeletons, that much is obvious. I'm betting his artwork got him in trouble with more than one uptight teacher in school who didn't appreciate his doodling during class... or his choice of subject matter. But thankfully he stood his ground and now he's making a living doing what he loves: horror art. During the day he works for Walt Disney Pictures, Television Animation, and the rest of the time it's ghouls, girls and gore.

Way to go, Bryan!

Visit Bryan's site for more of his artwork:

and his cool blog:

Carl really got a kick out of scaring the tykes. As an ex-camp counsellor, it was in his bones.

"I'd go a loooong way for a hot cheese Krystal... with a side of fresh BRAINS!!!"

Bryan not only draws beautiful living dead, but his girls are quite attractive too, as the art below vividly illustrates...

Although secretly wishing some boys would crash their pajama party, the girls didn't quite count on them all being zombies.

Check out his "Horror at Party Beach" illustration on his site for more feminine pulchritude. I look forward to seeing more of his work in the future.


  1. I check out Bryan's art quite often on Deviantart.com. He is definitely a good artist, but when it comes right down to it, I prefer David Hartman's work! Regardless, it is nice to have other artists out there waving the flag of horror art!!

  2. Bryan is cool, I did a spotlight on him last year when I used to actually do new artist spotlights as a real post instead of just sidebar filler...
